
Whether your child has received a diagnosis of autism or you are in the process of exploring this as a possibility, you are on a journey of discovery. You will know your child better than anyone and can celebrate their uniqueness and potential, despite the challenges that arise from making sense of the world in a different way.
What I can offer


These include:
Getting to know your child through discussion with you and your child or young person, if appropriate
Helping you understand your child’s diagnosis
Discussion and exploration of specific areas of concern
Recommendations of strategies
Modelling of strategies
Signposting to, or creating specific resources for your child
Helping your child or young person understand their diagnosis and become more aware of their strengths
Summary notes with recommendations

Parent workshops

Informal training/workshop sessions for small groups of parents/carers to increase knowledge and understanding of autism and share successes and practical strategies.
Please contact me if you are interested and I will inform you of planned sessions.
The Rainbow Course:

An eight-week course for parents and carers
The Rainbow course has been developed for parents and carers who have children or young people recently diagnosed with autism, are on the diagnosis journey, and for those who wish to explore more about autism.
I have developed this course with my colleague Angie Purdy who is also an independent specialist teacher for children and young people with autism and a tutor with Birmingham University.
We present the course together through live sessions via Zoom. Places are limited to twelve screens to ensure the opportunity for networking and learning from each other. Two family members may attend together on the same screen.
For more information on dates and cost please email rainbowparentcourse@gmail.com.

Course content:
Exploring Autism
Building on your understanding of your child
The world through their eyes
How to help your child make sense of what is going on around them
The art of communication
Understanding your child’s communication skills and how to support them
Being social
How to support your child’s social understanding
Sensational senses
Exploring differences in sensory processing and what it means for your child
Nurturing well-being and emotional regulation
Anxiety and helping your child understand how they feel
Behaviour as communication
Making sense of the tricky bits
Over to you
A bespoke session covering topics not covered in other sessions and decided by the group
Fees for Families Consultations